Jan 15, 2025  
2015-2016 Evening, Weekend, and Online Academic Catalog 
2015-2016 Evening, Weekend, and Online Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Policies

Academic Policies

Academic Calendar

Lakeland’s Kellett School academic calendar consists of fall, spring, and summer terms. Each of the fall and spring terms includes seven-week and fourteen-week class sessions. Summer terms inlcude twelve-week and seven-week sessions. Fall term begins in late August or early September and concludes before Christmas. Spring term starts in early January and continues through the mid to late April. Summer term begins at the end of May and concludes in the middle of August.

Academic Advising

An important aspect of academic life at Lakeland is the relationship between its students and their advisors.

While students are expected to be responsible for their own academic decisions and curricular requirements, they should know that, throughout their years at Lakeland, one sure source of friendly concern, supportive encouragement, and accurate academic advice is their advisor. The advising relationship can help students with the following:

  • Mapping out the path to degree completion
  • Selecting courses each semester
  • Communicating with offices on the main campus


Students must be officially registered for all courses for which they expect to earn credit. Registration periods begin approximately 10 weeks prior to the start of each term. All students are expected to register for classes during the registration period. Registration may be done online at my.lakeland.edu or in-person at one of the Kellett School centers.

Classes are open to all students as long as space is available. A Kellett School advisor will review each registration to determine whether or not the student has the necessary prerequisite(s). The advisor will also make sure the degree-seeking student is following his/her chosen degree path.

The size of some courses is limited because of the nature of the material being taught. Students who have a financial balance may not register until their financial obligations have been met.

Adding or Dropping Courses

Students may drop and add courses in accordance with the published add and drop schedule each term. Adding or dropping classes may be done online through my.lakeland.edu.

Students assume all responsibility for adding and/or dropping courses within the stated deadlines.

A course that is dropped will not be recorded on a student’s transcript.

Withdrawing from a Course

A student who wishes to withdraw from courses must do so in accordance with the withdrawal dates published for each term. Official withdrawal from a course requires that the student secure approval by telephone or email from his/her Kellett School advisor. Students assume all responsibility for withdrawal from courses including the full completion and submission of course withdrawal forms. Class absence without official withdrawal will result in a failing grade for the course.

Withdrawal from a course will be recorded as a “W” on a student’s transcript.

Medical Withdrawal and Family Leave

A request for medical withdrawal or family leave may be made in extraordinary cases in which serious physical or mental illness or injury or another significant personal situation prevents a student from continuing his or her classes, and incompletes or other arrangements with the instructors are not possible. All applications for medical or family leave withdrawal require the completion of a Withdrawal form available at each Kellett School Center and online, thorough and credible documentation of the intervening circumstances, and the approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Note: Requests for medical withdrawal or family leave from a single course in a term when several courses are taken are not granted.

A student may request and be considered for a medical withdrawal when extraordinary circumstances, such as a serious illness or injury, interfere with class attendance and/or academic performance. The student must be, or must have been, under medical care during the current semester in order to be considered for a medical withdrawal from all of his/her classes. The medical withdrawal policy covers both physical health and mental health difficulties.

A student may request and be considered for family leave when extraordinary personal reasons, not related to the student’s personal physical or mental health interfere with class attendance and/or academic performance. Examples include care of a seriously ill parent, sibling, child or spouse, or a death in the student’s immediate family.

Military Student Mobilization Policy

Lakeland College provides reasonable accommodations to any student called to emergency national or other government service. In the event a Lakeland College student is mobilized into the armed forces of the United States, the National Guard, or other mandatory government service, the following policy shall pertain. Students receiving orders to report for active duty or other mandatory emergency government service should notify the college through his/her Kellett School advisor indicating the date of activation and the projected length of active service when known. Preliminary notice may be given by phone, email, or by letter but shall be followed by the submission of a copy of the government orders or notice of activation which shall be forwarded to the Registrar for inclusion in the official record of the student.

Mobilization On or Prior to the Last Day to Withdraw

If a student is mobilized on or prior to the last day to withdraw from a course, the student shall receive a “W” as the course grade and shall be entitled to full tuition credit to enroll in a Lakeland course within one year of deactivation from mobilization.

Mobilization Following the Last Day to Withdraw

If a student is mobilized after the last day to withdraw from a course, the student may elect one of the following:

  1. With the full consent and cooperation of the instructor, receive an “I” (Incomplete) as the temporary course grade; and within 90 days of deactivation from mobilization, complete the course requirements, and receive a permanent course grade. Failure to complete the work within the prescribed time will result in an undergraduate student receiving an “F” and a graduate student receiving an “I” as the permanent course grade.
  2. Receive a “W” as the course grade and a full tuition credit to enroll in a Lakeland course within one year of deactivation from mobilization.

It is the student’s responsibility to notify Lakeland College of his/her mobilization status and to contact the instructor to make appropriate arrangements if option 1 is chosen. Failure to follow this procedure will result in the student receiving an “F” for any course unofficially vacated.

Class Attendance and Participating Online

Students are expected to be present and actively engaged in all class sessions. For classroom-based instruction, this means students are present and punctual in all class sessions. For online instruction, this means students should log in a minimum of three days each week and participate in the discussion forum. For BlendEd® courses, students must follow the attendance requirements whichever way they choose to attend. Individual course instructors are responsible for clearly notifying students of their unique and specific class attendance policies.

Plagiarism and Cheating

Lakeland College expects academic honesty from all of its students. Cheating, plagiarism, or other kinds of academic dishonesty are considered violations of established college expectations and may result in penalties ranging from failure of an assignment to dismissal from the College, depending on the severity of the offense. Students who believe they have been unfairly accused or penalized may submit a written appeal, stating the specific details of their situation, to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Where appropriate, the Vice President for Academic Affairs may take such appeals to the Academic Appeals Committee for a formal hearing and decision. In matters of plagiarism and cheating, the decision of the Academic Appeals Committee is final.

Grade Reports

Grade reports are available at my.lakeland.edu at the end of each grading period. Printer-friendly versions are also available at this website. Further explanation of grades can be found in the sections specific to undergraduate and graduate programs.

Grade Changes

Once grades have been submitted to the Registrar, changes of grades must be approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Faculty may initiate a grade change if an error was made or when no grade was entered upon initial grade entry. If a student identifies an error in the final grade, the student must first contact the instructor to resolve the issue, and if the issue cannot be resolved between the instructor and student, the student may submit a grade appeal following the procedure outlined below. Students are responsible for monitoring grades during and at the conclusion of a course, and addressing concerns as they arise during the course. Changes of grades will not be permitted on the basis of work submitted after the end of the semester.

Grade Appeal Policy

At the end of the semester, final official grades are available to students on my.lakeland.edu. If a student identifies an error in calculation or has reasons to believe the grade posted on my.lakeland.edu differs from the grade earned, the student may initiate a grade appeal. Students with questions about their grades must first contact the instructor. If the student is not able to resolve the concern with the instructor, the student may submit a written grade appeal to the Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA). Grade appeals may be appropriate when there is a miscalculation or error on the part of the instructor or when the student is not held to the criteria identified in the course syllabus. Grades cannot be appealed on the basis of work that was submitted after the end of the semester or after an “incomplete” due date.

Grade appeals must be submitted no later than three (3) weeks after the college posts the official grade. Students submitting a grade appeal must include a written letter of appeal, a completed Grade Appeal Form available through my.lakeland.edu, and all appropriate documentation. If necessary, the VPAA may form an Appeal Committee to investigate and review the appeal, and a final decision will be made by the VPAA no later than one (1) week after the appeal submission due date. The decision of the VPAA will be final.

Graduation Policy

There are five standard graduation dates each year for the Kellett School undergraduate program and Master of Business Administration program, which are used on transcripts and diplomas to indicate the day on which graduation requirements have been completed. These dates are December 31, August 31, January 31 (for fall term student teachers), the date of the commencement ceremony in May, and June 15 (for spring term student teachers). For students in the Master of Education program, the graduation date is typically the date of successful defense of the thesis or project. For students in the Master of Arts in Counseling program, the graduation date is typically determined by the completion of internship hours or the accompanying coursework for the counseling internship requirement. For students in the Master of Education or Master of Arts in Counseling programs who are enrolled in coursework in addition to the thesis or Internship II, the standard graduation dates will be applied.

General Graduation Policies

Financial obligations to the college, including the payment of all fines, must be met prior to the granting of a diploma. Students who have not met their financial obligations by their proposed date of graduation will receive their diplomas and requested transcripts when satisfactory arrangements for financial obligations have been completed.

Graduation honors will be based on all coursework completed by the final day of the Kellett School’s first 7-week session of the spring term amd will be announced at the ceremony. Honor citations recorded on the permanent record, however, will be based on all coursework completed at Lakeland College. Graduate Studies students are not eligible for honors. (Please refer to the Academic Standing  section of this catalog for further information regarding the standards for honors.)

Outstanding transcripts from other institutions which contribute to the completion of degree requirements should be in the Office of the Registrar at least two months before the official date of graduation. If such transcripts are late in arriving, final granting of the diploma will be delayed until all transcripts have been received and processed.

Diplomas will be issued to graduates after the term in which all graduation requirements are completed and financial obligations to the college have been met. Eligible students are encouraged to attend the May commencement ceremony to celebrate accomplishments and receive a diploma folder. Transcripts, noting the completion of degrees and honors, will be available within one month after all coursework has been completed. All appeals for exceptions should be made to the Office of the Registrar.

A Lakeland College graduate returning under the Program for Alumni Career Enhancement (PACE) program will not receive a second degree, another diploma, or be eligible to participate in commencement. The new major (and/or minor) will appear on the graduate’s transcript as an additional major (and/or minor).

Application for Graduation

Students should work closely with their Kellett School advisors to make sure they are accurately projecting their graduation date. Once the Registrar’s Office has been notified by the Kellett School advisor, an analysis of student academic records will be completed and a graduation evaluation and application will be mailed out. Students are required to return the completed graduation application form to the Registrar’s Office.

Should graduation plans change, the student must inform his/her Kellett School advisor immediately. Students who reach graduation eligibility without having submitted an Application for Graduation may risk not being included in the commencement ceremony. Such a student will also be responsible for any fees incurred if adjustments must be made to the information on his/her diploma, i.e. a change in graduation date or a revision in the representation of his/her name.

May Commencement

The 2015-2016 commencement ceremony is scheduled for May 1, 2016. Students who have completed all degree requirements by December 31, 2015; January 31, 2016; May 3, 2016; June 15, 2016; are registered for a 2016 May Term course who will complete their degree requirements; or are registered for their final 12 or fewer credits for the Summer 2016 term may participation in the May 2016 ceremony. To be eligible to participate in the May ceremony, students must have completed or be currently enrolled in all courses required for the completion of their degree. Students who are enrolled in Lakeland spring term courses which will complete all graduation requirements are eligible to participate in the May ceremony, even if those courses do not conclude until after the date of the ceremony. Students who are registered for student teaching or a counseling internship which will also complete their degree requirements may participate in the May ceremony. Students whose degree plans include a Master’s thesis or project must successfully defend it before being included in the commencement ceremony.

Students with more than 12 credits remaining who register for all of those credits for the Summer 2016 term will be eligible to participate in the May 2017 commencement ceremony.

Policy on Non-Discrimination

Lakeland College provides equal educational and employment opportunity without regard to sex, race, age, religion, national origin, marital/parental status, sexual orientation, disability, or handicap. All equal opportunity questions should be referred to the Lakeland College’s Interim President.

Lakeland College is authorized under Federal law to enroll nonimmigrant alien students.

General Standard of Conduct

Lakeland College’s Kellett School seeks to provide an environment for all students that is conducive to personal growth, academic endeavor, individual responsibility, and respect for the rights and privileges of others. To implement regulations, the Kellett School relies primarily on each student’s personal sense, honor, humanity, and responsibility.

All members of the Kellett School community are expected to:

  1. Treat one another with respect, dignity and sensitivity;
  2. Not abuse or misuse college property or the property of others;
  3. Act with concern for the well-being and safety of others;
  4. Conduct any and all college activities according to local, state, and federal laws.

In the rare instance that disciplinary action is warranted, the college will follow the guidelines detailed in the Kellett School Student Conduct/Disciplinary Policy accessible on the college’s website at lakeland.edu.

Behavioral Suspension or Dismissal

Where judged appropriate by the Vice President for Enrollment Management and the appropriate appeals panel, students who have violated established rules of the Lakeland College community may be immediately suspended or dismissed from the college. Unless other action is specifically approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs, behavioral suspensions will result in the award of failing grades in all enrolled classes.

Students’ Rights and Records

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, also known as the Buckley Amendment, is designed to protect the privacy of all student academic records. Records specifically affected by this law are maintained in the Office of the Registrar.

The student’s academic file contains a permanent record which lists courses, credits, and grades achieved at Lakeland; courses and credits accepted in transfer from other colleges which contributed to the Lakeland degree; date and type of degree awarded; major field(s) of study; minor field(s) of study; and honors awarded at graduation.

A student may access grade reports and unofficial transcripts at my.lakeland.edu.

The Rights and Privacy Act requires that the academic file be available for personal review by the student within 45 days after a formal written request has been communicated to the college. The central purpose of this act is to guarantee the right to examine the contents of personal files and challenge the factual accuracy of the contents or the inclusion of supplementary documents. At Lakeland, any student may examine his or her file by asking at least one day in advance for an appointment to do so.

A college transcript is a record of the student’s academic progress including courses, credits, grades, major(s), minor(s), and honors earned at Lakeland College and credits accepted in transfer from other schools. In accord with the Rights and Privacy Act, transcripts are considered confidential and will not be released to a third party, other than authorized Lakeland College personnel, without the written permission of the student. Requests for transcripts should be made online at www.lakeland.edu or presented, in writing, to the Office of the Registrar, giving notice of at least one week. All transcript requests must include the student’s signature, Lakeland College Student ID number or social security number, and name when attending Lakeland College. The cost of each transcript is $8.00. An additional $2.00 will be assessed for short notice of two days or less. Please note that all financial obligations to the college, including the full payment of all fines, must be arranged to the satisfaction of the Manager of Student Accounts before transcripts will be released or sent.

Lakeland College makes available to the public, upon request, all consumer information required by the United States Office of Education. Consumer information includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: academic programs, academic progress requirements, career planning services, educational costs, financial aid, job placement outcomes, and student retention. This information is available from the Office of the Registrar.

Lakeland College ensures student access to official college records and placement files and maintains the confidentiality of personally identifiable information in accord with federal law.

The Clery Act

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998, also referred to as the Clery Act, requires that colleges and universities whose students receive federal financial aid do the following:

  1. To publish an annual security report regarding crimes committed on campus and at the Kellett Centers;
  2. To provide a written description of campus policies regarding security and campus safety rules;
  3. To compile and disclose an annual report of campus crime statistics reflecting reports of specific crimes occurring on campus, and whether such crimes are hate crimes;
  4. To alert the campus community to crimes that represent a threat to campus students and campus personnel;
  5. To disclose a daily crime log listing all crimes occurring within the jurisdiction of the campus security office.

The Vice President for Finance is responsible for the implementation of the above-listed tasks.

Students with Disabilities

Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 require that colleges and universities do not discriminate against otherwise qualified applicants and students with documented disabilities. Lakeland College will provide reasonable accommodations for students who have presented appropriate documentation of their disabilities and limitations. Students seeking such consideration should contact the Director of the Hayssen Academic Resource Center.