The grades of A, AB, B, BC, C, CD, D and F are used to indicate the following:
A = 4.0 quality points per semester hour. Superior work.
AB = 3.5 quality points per semester hour. Intermediate grade.
B = 3.0 quality points per semester hour. Above average work.
BC = 2.5 quality points per semester hour. Intermediate grade.
C = 2.0 quality points per semester hour. Satisfactory achievement.
CD = 1.5 quality points per semester hour. Intermediate grade.
D = 1.0 quality points per semester hour. Course requirements were satisfied at a minimum level.
F = 0.0 quality points per semester hour. Course requirements were not satisfied.
The grades/notations of I, P, *, W, AU, UAU, WAU, and NR are also used as follows:
I = Incomplete: Indicates that the student has the prior consent of the instructor to complete required coursework after the end of the regular term. An “incomplete” grade will not be entered in the student’s record without a signed contract between the student and the instructor. This contract must be submitted on or before the last day of final exams for the relevant term. This form is available in the Office of the Registrar. Incomplete grades, if not resolved, are changed to the grade recorded on the incomplete contract in accord with the following rules:
- Fall term “Incomplete” must be completed by the end of the following spring term.
- Spring term or May Term “incomplete” must be completed by the end of the following summer term.
- Summer term “incomplete” must be completed by the end of the following fall term.
Incomplete grades may not be awarded to international students during their final term at Lakeland College.
P = Pass: Given in courses which are graded on a pass/fail basis.
* = Repeated: Indicates a repeated course along with the original grade received.
W = Withdraw: Indicates that the student has formally withdrawn from a course.
Formal withdrawal must be completed before the published withdrawal dates for all terms.
AU = Audit: Used when students have formally declared that they are taking a course on an audit basis and have competed all work required of audit students by the course instructor. Formal declaration of audit status or withdrawal from an audit must be completed on or before the date announced as the last day to withdraw as indicated on the academic calendar for the relevant term. Failure to meet the instructor’s conditions will be recorded as UAU; withdrawal from the course will be recorded as WAU. These marks are not computed in GPAs. Refer to the section on Auditing a Course for more details.
NR = Not Reported: This is a temporary mark. It indicates that the grade for the course had not been received by the Registrar at the time the grades were reviewed.
Grade Reports
Midterm and final grade reports are available at at the end of each grading period. Printer-friendly versions are also available on this website. Although parents may provide a major portion of the financial support for a student’s education, they will not automatically receive college grade reports. Legally an adult, the student must authorize the release of grade report information to parents by signing a waiver form. Waiver forms are included in the orientation packet for each new, entering student and are also available in the Office of the Registrar. Parents of dependent students who wish to receive grade reports should ensure a completed waiver form is in the student’s academic file.
Grade Changes
Once grades have been submitted to the Registrar, changes of grades must be approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Faculty may initiate a grade change if an error was made or when no grade was entered upon initial grade entry. If a student identifies an error in the final grade, the student must first contact the instructor to resolve the issue, and if the issue cannot be resolved between the instructor and student, the student may submit a grade appeal following the procedure outlined below. Students are responsible for monitoring grades during and at the conclusion of a course, and addressing concerns as they arise during the course. Changes of grades will not be permitted on the basis of work submitted after the end of the semester.
Grade Appeal Policy
At the end of the semester, final, official grades are available to students on If a student identifies an error in calculation or has reason to believe the grade posted on differs from the grade earned, the student may initiate a grade appeal. Students with questions about their grades must first contact the instructor. If the student is not able to resolve the concern with the instructor, the student may submit a written grade appeal to the Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA). Grade appeals may be appropriate when there is a miscalculation or error on the part of the instructor or when the student is not held to the criteria identified in the course syllabus. Grades cannot be appealed on the basis of work that was submitted after the end of the semester or after an “incomplete” due date.
Grade appeals must be submitted no later than three (3) weeks after the college posts the official grade. Students submitting a grade appeal must include a written letter of appeal, a completed Grade Appeal Form available through, and all appropriate documentation. If necessary, the VPAA may form an Appeal Committee to investigate and review the appeal. A final decision will be made by the VPAA no later than one (1) week after the appeal submission due date. The decision of the VPAA will be final.