Feb 21, 2025
CN 735 - Couples and Family TherapySemester Hours: 3 The purpose of this course is to prepare students to address a wide variety of issues in the context of relationships and families. The course focuses on assisting the student in developing skills and case management techniques for working with families, couples and the external systems they will encounter. The student will develop a conceptual framework that emphasizes a systems approach and will be exposed to contemporary family and couple issues they will be dealing with including: families in transition, family developmental stages and expectations, nontraditional lifestyles, societal and professional trends, ethnic diversity, and specific presenting problems and how they are viewed within a systems context. The sequencing of therapy and specific intervention strategies will also be dealt with, in addition to ethical considerations. The instructional format of this course will be devoted to guided group discussions and activities, lecture, video presentations, and demonstrations.
Pre-requisites: CN 716 - Lifespan Development and Counseling: An Integration , CN 718 - Introduction to Psychopathology , and CN 724 - Counseling Methods and Ethics .
Offered: at least once an academic year.
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