Feb 21, 2025
CN 736 - Counseling Children and AdolescentsSemester Hours: 3 The purpose of this course is to provide a comprehensive overview of the theories, practices, and techniques necessary for working with children, adolescents, and their families in therapeutic settings and schools. Not only will the traditional theories of counseling children be examined, but evidence-based treatment programs with specific populations of children will be added to the discussion. The combination of theory and evidence-based practice will facilitate students’ ability to utilize the knowledge and skills learned in this and other courses. This course will address the unique presenting complaints of children in counseling settings, multicultural concerns, consultation, play and group therapy, and professional, ethical guidelines required for work with children.
Pre-requisites: CN 716 - Lifespan Development and Counseling: An Integration , CN 724 - Counseling Methods and Ethics , and CN 726 - Counseling Theories .
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