Class Participation
Students are expected to be present and actively engaged in all class sessions.
- For classroom-based instruction, this means students are present and punctual in all class sessions.
- For online instruction, this means students should log in a minimum of three days each week and participate in the discussion forum.
- For BlendEd® courses, students must follow the attendance requirements whichever way they choose to attend.
- Individual course instructors are responsible for clearly notifying students of their unique and specific class attendance policies.
- As part of these policies, course instructors may request verification from students for a stated medical absence. A healthcare professional should provide a return-to-class document that excludes diagnostic details and health-related information. Course instructors typically will ask a student to verify medical absence when the student has missed multiple consecutive class sessions or a major exam or assignment.
- While absences for required short-term military service are excused, course instructors may request verification of these absences as well.
- For any approved absences, students should work with their instructors to review options for submitting missed assignments and coursework.
Finals Week:
- All 14-Week courses must meet during final exam week at their scheduled periods.
- Instructors may use the final exam period for giving final exams, discussing final papers, or conducting other instructional activities.
- Students are required to attend during final exam week and participate in their instructors’ scheduled activities.
- All other session students follow course syllabi instructions & instructor provided deadlines regarding final projects, exams or instructional activities.
Student Religious Observances Policy
Lakeland University is committed to nondiscrimination, diversity, inclusiveness and support for its students, faculty, employees, and staff, regardless of religious affiliation or non-affiliation, in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations. Because of its connection to the United Church of Christ and its values and welcoming spirit, Lakeland University seeks to be a hospitable and supportive community for students from all spiritual and religious traditions. For this reason, the university has established a Religious Observance Policy to support students seeking accommodations for religious observances.
If a student requires an accommodation for a religious observance, the student must complete the following required steps:
- At least five business days prior to the requested accommodation, the student presents a written request (via email or hard copy) for an exemption due to Religious Observances. Requests submitted within less than five business days will be considered, but approval cannot be guaranteed due to the potential short notice given by the student. Retroactive accommodation will not be approved. Students are encouraged to communicate with their advisor about their needs and to get support through the process.
- The program director or instructor will evaluate the request to determine if it presents an undue hardship. If the program director or instructor has questions about the appropriateness of a request, they are encouraged to contact the University Chaplain. It is expected that the program director or instructor will respond to the request in a timely manner, normally within three (3) business days.
- If accommodation is granted for missed class time, makeup work should be commensurate with the class time the student has missed. If the instructor denies the request, a rationale must be provided in writing as to why the request presents an undue hardship.
- Absences due to an approved religious observance will not be considered an absence and will not result in a penalty.
- In the case that a request for an accommodation is denied, the student may appeal the decision through the following process:
- Within three (3) business days of the notice of denied accommodations, the student should make an appointment with the instructor to discuss the grievance and to seek resolution. If the student does not make an appointment in this time span, the appeals procedure comes to an end.
If still dissatisfied after the conversation with the instructor, the student may schedule an appointment with the dean of the instructor’s school to appeal the instructor’s decision and seek a resolution. If the appeal is denied, the dean’s decision is final. If the appeal is granted, the dean will work with the faculty members to determine reasonable accommodation.
Students who do not commence enrollment, as defined by the Registrar’s Office, and are administratively withdrawn, shall bear no financial responsibility for tuition and fees in the term or course(s) for which they are withdrawn but are still responsible for any prior tuition, fees, or other balances, fines, room, board, and meal plans, as applicable. Further, any student who registers and fails to complete a drop transaction or does not meet initial attendance requirements will be administratively dropped from their course work and assessed a $100 drop fee.
Students who have unpaid balances from a prior term, are missing financial aid paperwork, or are unable to make payments in accordance with a prescribed payment plan may be administratively withdrawn from Lakeland due to non-payment. The student shall bear no fiscal responsibility for tuition and fees in the term from which they are withdrawn but is still responsible for any prior tuition, fees, or other balances, fines, room, board, and meal plans, as applicable.
- Students who do not commence enrollment, as defined by the Registrar’s Office, and are administratively withdrawn, shall bear no financial responsibility for tuition and fees in the term or course(s) for which they are withdrawn but are still responsible for any prior tuition, fees, or other balances, fines, room, board, and meal plans, as applicable.
- Further, any student who registers and fails to complete a drop transaction or does not meet initial attendance requirements will be administratively dropped from their course work and assessed a $100 drop fee.
- Students who have unpaid balances from a prior term, are missing financial aid paperwork, or are unable to make payments in accordance with a prescribed payment plan may be administratively withdrawn from Lakeland due to non-payment.
- The student shall bear no fiscal responsibility for tuition and fees in the term from which they are withdrawn but is still responsible for any prior tuition, fees, or other balances, fines, room, board, and meal plans, as applicable.