Sep 07, 2024  
2022-2023 Traditional Undergraduate Academic Catalog 
2022-2023 Traditional Undergraduate Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Standing

Academic standing categories are used to identify students who are doing exceptional work, those who are performing satisfactorily, and those who are not meeting Lakeland’s minimum achievement expectations. While consistently exceptional performance over the full academic career is required to earn graduation honors, exceptional performance for one term may earn a place on the dean’s list. Lakeland’s academic standing categories are:

Graduation Honors

To be eligible for graduation honors, a student must complete a minimum of 48 semester hours through Lakeland University. Lakeland grade-point-average calculations use the quality points earned in Lakeland courses. A student is eligible for Lakeland graduation honors based on the following cumulative GPA criteria:

  • Summa Cum Laude = 3.80-4.00
  • Magna Cum Laude = 3.60-3.79
  • Cum Laude = 3.50-3.59

Associate Degree and Graduate Studies students are not eligible for honors.

Find more information in the Graduation Policy  section of this catalog.

Outstanding Student Awards

Superior students gain recognition through the award of academic program scholarships and outstanding student honors in subject areas. Recipients receive awards and honors at the university honors banquet each spring.

The Dean’s List

A dean’s honor list is prepared at the close of each fall, spring, and summer term. The dean’s list recognizes students enrolled in a minimum of 12 graded semester hours (quality points earned) who have attained a grade-point-average of 3.5 or better for the term. Grades earned in courses transferred from another college are not included in the Lakeland grade-point-average.

Standards for Academic Good Standing

Students must maintain a minimum grade-point-average (GPA) during each of their terms at Lakeland University. These term GPA standards are as follows: freshmen—1.75, sophomores—2.0, juniors—2.0 and seniors—2.0. In addition, students classified as second-semester freshmen or higher must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0. Students who fail to meet these minimum term and/or cumulative GPA standards face academic probation, suspension, or dismissal from the university.

All full-time students in the traditional undergraduate program must also successfully complete a minimum of nine (9) semester hours of coursework during each of their terms at Lakeland University. Students who fail to pass the required number of semester hours also face academic probation, suspension, or dismissal from Lakeland University.

Summary of Standards for Academic Good Standing

Minimum Requirements for Each Class

Class Standing Required Minimum Term GPA Required Minimum Cumulative GPA Required Minimum Number of Credits Successfully Completed Each Term
First-time, first-semester freshman 1.75 1.75 9 credits
Freshman in second or subsequent term 1.75 2.0 9 credits
Sophomore or after 4th term of enrollment 2.0 2.0 9 credits
Junior 2.0 2.0 9 credits
Senior 2.0 2.0 9 credits

The intent of these minimum performance standards is to encourage students to strive to excel in their college classes, thereby enhancing their own future opportunities for employment and the timely completion of their degrees. Maintenance of good academic standing and minimum academic progress is also required in order to retain eligibility for future financial aid awards.

A review of each student’s term and cumulative GPA occurs at the end of regular semesters in collaboration with the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Registrar, Student Life Personnel, and a Member of the Financial Aid and Educational Funding Office. Based on the findings of this review, the following academic actions occur.

Academic Probation, Suspension, and Dismissal

Probation:  Students whose term GPA falls below the minimum standard or who fail to pass the required number of semester hours are on academic probation for the following semester. In addition, students classified as second-semester freshmen or higher whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 will be placed on academic probation for the following semester. Students placed on academic probation may take no more than 14 semester hours during the following term. These students should also meet with the Director of the Hayssen Academic Resource Center to identify methods for improving performance. Students must fulfill the terms of their probation and improve their overall GPA each term until they have earned a return to good academic standing.

Suspension:  Students may be suspended for one semester if they

  • fail to fulfill the terms of their academic probation;
  • are enrolled in at least nine (9) semester hours and fail all of their courses in a single term;
  • earn a cumulative GPA of less than 0.5 while enrolled for a minimum of nine (9) semester hours of coursework during their first term at Lakeland; or
  • are admitted through the Aspire Program but who fail to pass the minimum number of semester hours or achieve the required term GPA in their first semester.

After a suspended student has been away from Lakeland University for one semester, the student may apply for readmission through the Office of Admissions. A student who has been readmitted to the university after a period of academic suspension will return on academic probation.

Students who wish to appeal do so, to the Vice President for Academic Affairs about any of these policies.

Dismissal:  Readmitted students after an academic suspension and fail to meet the appropriate term GPA standard results in academic dismissal. Dismissed students may no longer enroll in Lakeland University coursework, are ineligible for readmission to Lakeland University, and may not appeal this determination.

Summary of Academic Probation, Suspension, and Dismissal Rules

  Freshman (1st semester) 
  If term GPA falls below 1.75 or fewer than 9 semester hours are successfully completed
  Freshman (after 1st semester) 
  If term GPA falls below 1.75, cumulative falls below 2.0, or fewer than 9 semester hours are successfully completed
  Sophomore (or after 4th term of enrollment) 
  If term or cumulative GPA falls below 2.0, or fewer than 9 semester hours are successfully completed
  Junior If term or cumulative GPA falls below 2.0, or fewer than 9 semester hours are successfully completed
  Senior If term or cumulative GPA falls below 2.0, or fewer than 9 semester hours are successfully completed
  All classes Failure to meet the terms of probation or failure of all courses in a single term
  All classes After readmission following suspension, failure to meet the appropriate term GPA standard

Mid-term Suspension or Dismissal

Where judged appropriate by the Vice President for Academic Affairs, students who have earned unsatisfactory grades in all courses (D/F/W) on the mid-term grade report may be immediately suspended or dismissed from the university. Students who earn unsatisfactory grades in all courses and who are not suspended or dismissed have course performance monitoring throughout the remainder of the term and may be suspended or dismissed from the university before the end of the term.

Behavioral Suspension or Dismissal

Students’ who have violated established rules of the Lakeland University community, as published in the university’s Student Handbook, may be immediately suspended or dismissed from the university. Unless other action is specifically approved, behavioral suspensions will result in the award of failing grades in all enrolled classes.

Plagiarism and Cheating

Lakeland University expects academic honesty from all of its students. Assumption is made all work turned in by a student is the student’s own work. Cheating, plagiarism, or other kinds of academic dishonesty are violations of established university expectations and may result in penalties ranging from failure of an assignment to dismissal from the university, dependent upon the severity of the offense. It is the student’s responsibility to understand and avoid plagiarism and cheating. Students who believe they have been unfairly accused or penalized may submit a written appeal, stating the specific details of their situation, to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Where appropriate, the Vice President for Academic Affairs may take such appeals to the Academic Appeals Committee for a formal hearing and decision. In matters of plagiarism and cheating, the decision of the Academic Appeals Committee is final.

Readmission to the University

Students who have withdrawn, fallen out of continuous enrollment, or suspended from the university must apply for readmission to the Office of Admissions in order to be re-enrolled in Lakeland classes. Students applying for readmission should submit an application at least two months prior to the date on which the student wishes to begin coursework. Readmission requires the complete payment of any balances due to the university, and the approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee. Students who were suspended or who were not in good academic standing at the time they left the university will be asked to submit grades from any college-level coursework they may have completed elsewhere and/or letters of recommendation from any employers or supervisors who observed their work during the time they were absent from Lakeland.

An overall review of the student’s records relating to prior experience at Lakeland University will occur. This review will include academic performance, conduct, participation in campus community life, compliance with financial obligations, and any other factors deemed relevant. The university reserves the right to make the readmission decision based on any combination of the above factors in the best interests of the student as well as the university community. The policy applies to all readmissions regardless of the reasons for the student’s initial withdrawal or suspension from the institution.

Readmitted students are subject to the degree requirements in effect at the point of their re-entry to the university. Students readmitted after suspension are placed on academic probation for their first term of re-enrollment and must meet the terms of probation in order to be eligible for continuing enrollment.

Readmission Following Suspension

Suspended students may apply for readmission after one academic semester has elapsed. Successful readmission requires the complete payment of all prior balances due to the university and the approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Students may initiate their request to return through the Office of Admissions. Students should submit a written request and transcripts for any coursework taken since prior enrollment at Lakeland. Students previously suspended re-enter on probation status upon readmission until their coursework merits a return to good academic standing. Readmitted students after suspension must improve their overall GPA each term until they have earned a return to good academic standing. Failure to earn a return to good standing will result in dismissal from the university.

Readmission Following Withdrawal

Students who have voluntarily withdrawn may apply for readmission under the same procedures listed above for readmission to the university. Readmitted students who officially withdrew in good standing will return in good academic standing.