Sep 27, 2024  
2018-2019 Evening, Weekend, Online Academic Catalog 
2018-2019 Evening, Weekend, Online Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Graduate Course Descriptions

Following are the list of courses offered in the Evening, Weekend and Online program. The courses are organized alphabetically by the course prefix, and then by the course number. Both undergraduate and graduate courses are included.


The unit of credit is the semester hour. It is defined as one class hour (or its equivalent) per week for one semester.

All courses listed in this catalog are three semester hour courses unless indicated otherwise.



Economics (ECN)

  • ECN 360 - Money, Banking and National Income

    Semester Hours: 3
    Study of the monetary and banking system in the United States. Considers the Federal Reserve System and its control of the commercial banking industry. Also considers government fiscal policy and the use of monetary and fiscal policy to control unemployment, inflation and economic growth.

    Pre-requisites: ECN 235 - Principles of Macroeconomics .

  • ECN 361 - Intermediate Macroeconomics

    Semester Hours: 3
    A theoretical analysis of the aggregate economy. Topics include national income accounting, market equilibrium, money and labor markets, stabilization policies, economic growth, classical, Keynesian, and supply-side economics.

    Pre-requisites: ECN 235 - Principles of Macroeconomics .

  • ECN 362 - Intermediate Microeconomics

    Semester Hours: 3
    The application of microeconomic theory in the solution of business problems. Emphasis on the development of a conceptual framework for business decision-making.

    Pre-requisites: ECN 230 - Principles of Microeconomics .


Education-Graduate (ED)

  • ED 701 - Contemporary Philosophies of Education

    Semester Hours: 3
    This study of contemporary and traditional theories of education and their application to the American school raises the question of why we do what we are doing, introduces students to the conceptual analysis of current practice, and encourages critical analysis of current practice and individual style.

    Pre-requisites: none.

  • ED 702 - Organization and Operation of American Education

    Semester Hours: 3
    The course is designed to provide teachers with the theoretical foundations and basic skills of elective professional leadership while examining the formal structure of American education.

    Pre-requisites: none.

  • ED 703 - Learning and Cognition

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course is an advanced study of human growth and development exploring contemporary issues in learning and brain research.

    Pre-requisites: none.

  • ED 706 - Differentiating Instruction

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course is designed to assist teachers and other professionals in the development of integrated lessons and units suitable for all levels of instruction.

    Pre-requisites: none.

  • ED 707 - Gifted Education

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course is a survey of current educational programs and research methodology for enhancing the total cognitive, social, and emotional development of the gifted and talented student. The purposes of this course are to (1) acquaint students with the major theories, principles, and facts about gifted and talented children and recommend appropriate educational and counseling strategies to meet their needs; (2) promote first-hand knowledge of contemporary issues and controversies in the study of gifted students; and (3) stimulate discussion and upgrade the thinking skills of graduate students in the area of gifted education.

    Pre-requisites: none.

  • ED 708 - Classroom Management Strategies

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course is designed to support and facilitate a successful beginning of the school year which transitions into a learning environment characterized by the development of organizational and instructional routines, effective behavior management strategies and instruction based on communicating and reinforcing clear expectations. The focus of the course will be on developing teacher behaviors which produce high levels of student involvement in classroom activities, minimal amounts of disruptive student behavior and efficient use of instructional time.

    Pre-requisites: none.

  • ED 712 - Multicultural Education

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course will focus on awareness of various cultural groups, their success stories, stereotypes and areas of bias toward these groups. Students will examine their personal cultural values and how they impact the classroom. Issues and trends in our society will be used to address the concerns of the classroom where multiple cultures are present and interacting within the educational process.

    Pre-requisites: none.

  • ED 714 - Curriculum and Classroom Dynamics

    Semester Hours: 3
    A seminar in curriculum planning and implementation, this course is designed to share what works in the classroom and how to plan and effect change to improve student interest and response.

    Pre-requisites: none.

  • ED 716 - Special Education: Meeting Exceptional Educational Needs

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course is a study of developmental disorders and disabilities of children with exceptional educational needs including learning, emotional, and behavioral disabilities, and how these disabilities affect parents, families, students, and teachers. The objectives of this course are to assist teachers to (1) acquire information on definitions, characteristics, and causes of exceptionality; (2) develop knowledge and skills for educational diagnosis and assessment strategies for instructional planning and programming; and (3) relate educational and psychological methods and approaches in special education to the most effective educational practices at the preschool, elementary, and secondary levels.

    Pre-requisites: none.

  • ED 717 - Political and Legal Aspects of Education

    Semester Hours: 3
    A study of the political aspects of the educational process from state and federal programs to individual school districts and building politics. The role of various interest groups will be explored as will the impact of referenda passage and school board roles and reactions.

    Pre-requisites: none.

  • ED 720 - Assessment in the School and Classroom

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course will familiarize students with state requirements for assessment, portfolio development, rubrics and construction of viable assessment devices for the classroom.

    Pre-requisites: none.

  • ED 741 - Reading in the Content Area

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course will assist teachers in the selection of appropriate techniques for teaching reading skills through the use of subject area materials. An emphasis will be placed on teaching students to read technical materials as well as techniques useful for conducting research.

    Pre-requisites: none.

  • ED 751 - Supervision of Student Teachers (1 semester hour)

    Semester Hours: 1
    This course is a two-day graduate workshop designed for practicing teachers who wish to meet the State of Wisconsin requirements for supervision of student teachers.

    Pre-requisites: none.

  • ED 780 - Special Topics in Education (1-3 semester hours)

    Semester Hours: 1-3
    A seminar-style course in which the content changes in response to current trends in education and/or to meet certification requirements.

    Pre-requisites: consent of the Director of Graduate Education Programs.

  • ED 790 - Tutorial I: Focused Individualized Reading/Research Topic (1-3 semester hours)

    Semester Hours: 1-3
    The tutorial is an area of concentrated study selected by the student with the approval of the Director of the Graduate Education Programs. For early childhood/middle childhood and middle childhood/early adolescence teachers, the concentration is usually in the humanities, social science, or natural science; for early adolescence/adolescence teachers, it may be disciplinary. A specific study of educational theory may also be selected. (Open to degree candidates only.)

    Pre-requisites: consent of the Director of Graduate Education Programs.

  • ED 791 - Tutorial II: Focused Individualized Reading/Research Topic (1-3 semester hours)

    Semester Hours: 1-3
    The tutorial is an area of concentrated study selected by the student with the approval of the Director of the Graduate Education Programs.  For early childhood/middle childhood and middle childhood/early adolescence teachers, the concentration is usually in the humanities, social science, or natural science; for early adolescence/adolescence teachers, it may be disciplinary. A specific study of educational theory may also be selected. (Open to degree candidates only.)

    Pre-requisites: consent of the Director of Graduate Education Programs.

  • ED 792 - Tutorial III: Focused Individualized Reading/Research Topic (1-3 semester hours)

    Semester Hours: 1-3
    The tutorial is an area of concentrated study selected by the student with the approval of the Director of the Graduate Education Programs. For early childhood/middle childhood and middle childhood/early adolescence teachers, the concentration is usually in the humanities, social science, or natural science; for early adolescence/adolescence teachers, it may be disciplinary. A specific study of educational theory may also be selected. (Open to degree candidates only.)

    Pre-requisites: consent of the Director of Graduate Education Programs.

  • ED 800 - Educational Research and Evaluation

    Semester Hours: 3
    Students will examine component parts and optimum methodologies for formulation and design of a research project. The focus of the course is on classroom research-inaction and includes formulating research questions, designing to test research hypotheses, data gathering, analysis of data, and conclusions.

    Pre-requisites: none.

  • ED 810 - Master’s Thesis or Project

    Semester Hours: 3
    Theoretical or applied research in an area of the student’s choice under the supervision of the student’s graduate mentor. Students must receive the approval of the Director of the Graduate Education Programs prior to submitting their proposal for the master’s thesis or project.

    Pre-requisites: Completion of all other M.Ed. course requirements, and consent of the Director of Graduate Education Programs.

Education (EDU)

  • EDU 100 - Introduction to Education

    Semester Hours: 3
    The study of historical, philosophical, and social foundations of education; organization and administration of education; classroom management and discipline; teaching strategies and learning theory; curriculum development, research and professionalism.

    Pre-requisites: Intended Education major.

  • EDU 140 - Introduction to Educational Technology

    Semester Hours: 3
    Addresses the fundamentals of educational technology and instructional design. Students will explore media, computers, and related technologies as they relate to the classroom setting. Students will explore and evaluate how, when, and where technology should be integrated in the classroom.

    Pre-requisites: none.

  • EDU 230 - Educational Psychology

    Semester Hours: 3
    Educational and psychological theories and their application in the classroom, including various aspects of classroom management and organization, teaching methods and strategies, motivation, moral and personality development, special education and exceptional children, and measurement and evaluation. Special emphasis on relating the theoretical concepts of education and psychology to practical problems of education.

    Pre-requisites: none.

  • EDU 302 - Physical Education and Health Teaching Techniques for Middle Childhood through Early Adolescence

    Semester Hours: 3
    A focused study of the meaning and purpose of physical and health education. The characteristics of childhood motor learning methods. Techniques of teaching and planning of physical and health education programs. Game activities for primary and middle school students and current issues in health education.

    Pre-requisites: EDU 100 - Introduction to Education .

  • EDU 312 - Art Teaching Techniques for Middle Childhood through Early Adolescence (2 semester hours)

    Semester Hours: 2
    Students are introduced to content, curriculum, development, implementation, research, practice and evaluation of artwork. This course also develops the student’s working knowledge and confidence about the elements of art through experiences in both two- and three-dimensional art disciplines. An understanding of the developmental stages of art that elementary/middle school children will pass through. The preparation and presentation of art lessons for elementary/middle school children will be covered.

    Pre-requisites: EDU 100 - Introduction to Education .

  • EDU 317 - Music Teaching Techniques for Middle Childhood through Early Adolescence (2 semester hours)

    Semester Hours: 2
    Basic introduction to the special methods and techniques necessary for effective introduction to music education in the elementary/middle school classroom. Educational research and practice related to the development, implementation, and evaluation of curricula in music. Preparation and presentation of music lessons for elementary/middle school children.

    Pre-requisites: EDU 100 - Introduction to Education .

  • EDU 324 - Teaching Methods in ESL

    Semester Hours: 3
    The first half of this course includes study and demonstration of general methods for teaching English as a Second Language. The second half includes study and method for teaching academic content to ESL students. Both sections focus on instructed language acquisition (early childhood through adolescence) and include assessment methods, curriculum development, and materials evaluation.

    Pre-requisites: admission to the Education Program, ENG 380 - The English Language , ESL 321 - English Grammar , ESL 322 - Second Language Acquisition and Applied Linguistics , and foreign language study.

  • EDU 330 - Human Growth and Development

    Semester Hours: 3
    The nature of human development from conception through adulthood. A comprehensive overview of human development research methodology. Special emphasis on key concepts in major developmental theories including biosocial, cognitive, psycho-logical, emotional, and social development and their application to the maturing individual. First-hand knowledge of contemporary issues and controversies in the study of infants, children, adolescents, and adults.

    Pre-requisites: PSY 200 - General Psychology  or EDU 230  / PSY 230 - Educational Psychology  or SOC 220  / PSY 220 - Social Psychology  and sophomore standing.

  • EDU 331 - Science Teaching Techniques for Middle Childhood through Early Adolescence

    Semester Hours: 3
    The content and method of teaching both the life and physical sciences. The relationships between science, technology, society, and the environment. Educational research and practice related to curriculum development, implementation and evaluation for students at the elementary through middle school level.

    Pre-requisites: admission to the Education Program, OR EDU 100 - Introduction to Education , junior standing, and consent of the Director of the Teacher Education Program.

  • EDU 332 - Mathematics Teaching Techniques for Middle Childhood through Early Adolescence

    Semester Hours: 3
    The content and method of teaching both the characteristics and properties of mathematical operations, critical thinking, and problem solving. Educational research and practice related to curriculum development, implementation and evaluation for students at the elementary through middle school level.

    Pre-requisites: admission to the Education Program, OR EDU 100 - Introduction to Education , junior standing, and consent of the Director of the Teacher Education Program.

  • EDU 341 - Children’s and Early Adolescent Literature

    Semester Hours: 3
    A practical study of the literature available for children and early adolescents and the most effective approaches in using that literature. Includes information on selecting, evaluating, and using a wide variety of published materials in a classroom setting. Picture books, traditional literature, modern fantasy, realistic fiction, historical fiction, multicultural literature, nonfiction, and human relations materials are used.

    Pre-requisites: admission to the Education Program, OR EDU 100 - Introduction to Education , junior standing, and consent of the Director of the Teacher Education Program.

  • EDU 342 - Language Arts and Social Studies Teaching Techniques for Middle Childhood through Early Adolescence

    Semester Hours: 3
    The content and methods for teaching verbal and written expression including grammar, listening skills, spelling, writing, integrated thematic unit planning, and authentic assessment. The inter-relationships among these areas are shown from kindergarten to middle school levels. The content and teaching methods for the social sciences including current affairs, economics, government, geography, history, social concerns, political science, sociology, global perspectives, and multi-ethnic education. Instructional material, research, curriculum development, practice and evaluation, classroom management, discipline, and professionalism will be covered in both sections of the course.

    Pre-requisites: admission to the Education Program, OR EDU 100 - Introduction to Education , junior standing, and consent of the Director of the Teacher Education Program.

  • EDU 373 - Field Experience in Education

    Semester Hours: 3
    For field experience in education, students are individually placed in area elementary and middle school classrooms, under the direct supervision of full-time teachers as well as Lakeland faculty.

    Pre-requisites: admission to the Education Program, OR EDU 100 - Introduction to Education , junior standing, and consent of the Director of the Teacher Education Program.

  • EDU 379 - Early Childhood Teaching Techniques

    Semester Hours: 3
    Content, methodology, and research related to early childhood and kindergarten education. Curriculum development, implementation, and evaluation in all subject areas will be covered. Other topics include classroom organization and management, current issues, multicultural teaching, understanding individual differences, and professionalism. There is a field experience component in this course.

    Pre-requisites: admission to the Education Program, OR EDU 100 - Introduction to Education , junior standing, and consent of the Director of the Teacher Education Program.

  • EDU 382 - Reading Teaching Techniques

    Semester Hours: 3
    The interactive nature of reading and reading instruction, developmental stages of reading, reading strategies, and effective instructional techniques, including phonics are covered. Students learn to design, implement, and evaluate effective reading programs to meet a wide range of student needs for early childhood, elementary, and middle level students. Participants are expected to apply theory and research to classroom practice through a clinical experience in reading with a one-on-one tutoring experience of at least five (5) hours.

    Pre-requisites: admission to the Education Program, OR EDU 100 - Introduction to Education , junior standing, and consent of the Director of the Teacher Education Program.

  • EDU 432 - Survey of the Exceptional Person

    Semester Hours: 3
    A survey of developmental disorders and disabilities as they affect parents and families, students, and teachers of exceptional children. Emphasis on acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to identify and evaluate children and youth with exceptional educational and psychological needs and talents while gaining familiarity with methods of assessing the biosocial, cognitive, psychological, emotional, and social process. Relates educational and psychological methods and approaches in special education to the most effective educational practices at the preschool, elementary, and secondary levels.

    Pre-requisites: EDU 330  / PSY 330 - Human Growth and Development  and junior standing.

  • EDU 449 - Education Capstone Course (WI)

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course is designed to provide education students with the opportunity to draw upon the knowledge and skills attained through coursework and related experiences that have been integral to their previous educational preparation.

    Pre-requisites: admission to the Education Program, GEN 112 - Composition II: Argumentation and Research , and senior standing.

  • EDU 450 - Observation and Student Teaching for Early Childhood/Middle Childhood/Early Adolescence Level Teachers (12 semester hours)

    Semester Hours: 12
    Students have an opportunity to teach classes under the supervision of both University faculty and a cooperating teacher from an area elementary/middle school. Student teaching is a full-day, full-semester experience (approximately 18 weeks of student teaching) which follows the semester calendar of the cooperating school. The classroom teaching experience is supplemented by required seminar sessions addressing the development of the professional portfolio.

    Pre-requisites: Two semesters prior to registering for student teaching, you must have a cumulative overall GPA of 3.0, acceptance into the Education Program, consent of the Director of the Teacher Education Program, completion of the Early Childhood/Middle Childhood/Early Adolescence Professional Sequence, completion of academic major and minor areas, a passing score on the relevant Praxis II content test, and completion of the application process for student teaching. Must be taken concurrently with EDU 470 - Seminar, Observation and Student Teaching (2 semester hours) .

  • EDU 724 - Teaching Methods in ESL

    Semester Hours: 3
    This is one of the courses required for preparation for ESL certification. The first half of this course includes study and demonstration of general methods for teaching English as a Second Language. The second half includes study and demonstration of methods for teaching academic content to ESL students. Both sections focus on instructed language acquisition (early childhood through adolescence) and include assessment methods, curriculum development, and materials evaluation.

    Pre-requisites: admission to the Education Program or consent from the Director of Graduate Education Programs, ENG 380  / ENG 780 - The English Language , ESL 321  / ESL 721 - English Grammar , ESL 322  / ESL 722 - Second Language Acquisition and Applied Linguistics , and foreign language study.

English (ENG)

  • ENG 112 - Exploring Literature

    Semester Hours: 3
    The purpose of this course is to study literary works of writers and poets from any age, who, like any master story-teller, point to truths about ourselves and the world around us. An important aim of the course is an aesthetic one: the enjoyment of reading and talking about works of literature, during which students and teacher alike grow in their appreciation and insight.

    Pre-requisites: GEN 110 - Composition I: Academic Writing  

  • ENG 200 - World Literature

    Semester Hours: 3
    Selected masterpieces of literature from both the Western and non-Western traditions, excluding Anglo-American literature. Writers studied may include Homer, Moliére, Kafka, Ibsen and Garcia Márquez.

    Pre-requisites: none.

  • ENG 211 - Introduction to British Literature I

    Semester Hours: 3
    Major writers and trends in British literature from the Anglo-Saxon period through the eighteenth century.

    Pre-requisites: none.

  • ENG 212 - Introduction to British Literature II

    Semester Hours: 3
    Examines writers and movements from Romanticism through the present.

    Pre-requisites: none.

  • ENG 220 - Introduction to American Literature

    Semester Hours: 3
    Examines how the idea of “America” was created, challenged, and sustained through the literature of the country’s greatest writers. This survey focuses on major authors—from colonial times to the postmodern era—and the themes that link these artists into a national literary tradition. It also explores how these writers’ “American dreams” continue to inform our culture.

    Pre-requisites: none.

  • ENG 225 - Multicultural American Literature

    Semester Hours: 3
    Explores the contributions of African Americans, Native Americans, Asian Americans, and other cultural groups to the American literary tradition. The course also investigates how these writers challenge and inform our understanding of “culture” itself.

    Pre-requisites: none.

  • ENG 250 - Introduction to Women’s Literature

    Semester Hours: 3
    Examines women’s writing from 1800 to the present. Focuses on representations of women in literature, challenges faced by women writers, and the development of a women’s literary tradition. Emphasis on developing skills needed for literary analysis. Authors studied may include Austen, Dickinson, Chopin, Woolf, Rich, and Morrison.

    Pre-requisites: none.

  • ENG 275 - The Art of Comics

    Semester Hours: 3
    Comics are an art form—a medium for self-expression. The purpose of this class is to study that art form, to see how it works, and to put that knowledge into creative practice. By looking closely at more than 100 years of comics—from one-panel cartoons to award-winning graphic novels—we will analyze the basic structures, rules, and techniques of this powerful form of storytelling. Students will also learn about comic art by creating and analyzing their own cartoons and graphic narratives.

    Pre-requisites: none.

  • ENG 280 - Special Topics in Literature

    Semester Hours: 3
    Exploration of a single topic, author, or theme in literature. Recent topics have included war literature, dramatic comedies, comics and graphic narratives, Native American women’s autobiographies, and Irish literature. Designed as an introductory course. May be taken more than once with different topics.

    Pre-requisites: none.

  • ENG 310 - British Literature: Renaissance and Restoration

    Semester Hours: 3
    The culture and literature in Britain in a period of great economic and political upheaval as the society moved out of medievalism and into the modern world. Examines the work of writers such as Spenser, Marlowe, Shakespeare, Donne, Jonson, Webster, Herbert, Milton, and Restoration dramatists such as Congreve, Wycherley and Etherege.

    Pre-requisites: one 200-level English (ENG) course, junior standing, or consent.

  • ENG 315 - British Literature: The Ages of Reason and Romanticism

    Semester Hours: 3
    Covering the years from 1700 to 1832 in English literature—the Neoclassical, Augustan, and Romantic periods. Authors include Pope, Swift, Johnson, Defoe, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Blake, Byron, Shelley, Keats, and Austen.

    Pre-requisites: one 200-level English (ENG) course, junior standing, or consent.

  • ENG 323 - Nineteenth-Century American Literature (WI)

    Semester Hours: 3
    (Writing Intensive)
    Explores the era in which American writers declared their literary independence—the American Renaissance of 1835-1865. Highlights include Emerson, Melville, Hawthorne, Thoreau, Douglass, and Dickinson. The course examines how these writers and other artists conducted “experiments in American individualism” throughout this landmark century.

    Pre-requisites: GEN 112 - Composition II: Argumentation and Research ; as well as one 200-level English (ENG) course, junior standing, or consent.

  • ENG 324 - Twentieth-Century American Literature (WI)

    Semester Hours: 3
    (Writing Intensive)
    Studies the highpoints of American literary realism and modernism, from the turn of the century and the 1920s to the 1950s and beyond. We explore how writers in these vital periods confront the ideals of America by examining concepts of “the real.” The course emphasizes literary argument, but also connects literature to parallel movements in philosophy, painting, popular culture, and the nation at large.

    Pre-requisites: GEN 112 - Composition II: Argumentation and Research ; as well as one 200-level English (ENG) course, junior standing, or consent.

  • ENG 335 - British Literature: Victorian Period (WI)

    Semester Hours: 3
    (Writing Intensive)
    Emphasis on the influence of medical, political, and educational changes on concepts of British identity and culture in the Victorian Period. Major Victorian writers such as Dickens, the Bronte sisters, the Brownings, Stevenson, Collins, Arnold, and Tennyson.

    Pre-requisites: GEN 112 - Composition II: Argumentation and Research ; as well as one 200-level English (ENG) course, junior standing, or consent.

  • ENG 340 - Twentieth Century British Literature (WI)

    Semester Hours: 3
    (Writing Intensive)
    Focused study of critical, literary and historical developments in the twentieth century, specifically the rise of literary modernism and the fall of the British Empire. Explores ways that events of the twentieth-century challenge British notions of nation and complicate traditional themes and genres. Representative authors include Joyce, Woolf, Lawrence, Rhys, Yeats, and Beckett.

    Pre-requisites: GEN 112 - Composition II: Argumentation and Research ; as well as one 200-level English (ENG) course, junior standing, or consent.

  • ENG 370 - Shakespeare

    Semester Hours: 3
    Shakespearean drama—representative comedies, histories, tragedies, and romances—within the cultural context of the late 1590s and 1600s. In addition to addressing such literary topics as genre, characterization, and theme, the instructor will approach the plays as scripts for performance. Films and attendance at a theatrical performance supplement the in-class discussion.

    Pre-requisites: one 200-level English (ENG) course, junior standing, or consent.

  • ENG 380 - The English Language

    Semester Hours: 3
    A general introduction to the field of linguistics, presenting a variety of topics from the history of the language to contemporary theories of grammar.

    Pre-requisites: GEN 112 - Composition II: Argumentation and Research .

  • ENG 420 - Major Author Seminar

    Semester Hours: 3
    Students study one author in depth and conduct research on that author’s work. Students are expected to handle different critical approaches, express themselves orally in a seminar format, and evaluate a major writer in a literary-historical context.

    Pre-requisites: one 200-level English (ENG) course, junior standing, or consent.

  • ENG 430 - Chaucer

    Semester Hours: 3
    An overview of Chaucer’s major works, including The Book of the Duchess, Troilus and Criseyde, and The Canterbury Tales. All are read in the original Middle English.

    Pre-requisites: one 200-level English (ENG) course, junior standing, or consent.

  • ENG 480 - Special Topics in English

    Semester Hours: 3
    A seminar focusing on an individual genre (fiction, poetry, or drama) or author in a historical context or special problem in literary criticism. Students are expected to demonstrate an ability to handle different critical approaches, express themselves orally in a seminar format and evaluate major writers or movements.

    Pre-requisites: one 200-level English (ENG) course, junior standing, or consent.

  • ENG 499 - Literature and Theory (Capstone Course)

    Semester Hours: 3
    Literary theory and literature studied in a seminar format with students researching, writing, and presenting a substantive paper to the class. The seminar generally focuses on a single literary genre or type of writing, approaching that work with the tools that critics use in the study of literature, language, and culture.

    Pre-requisites: completion of one 300-level English (ENG) course.

  • ENG 780 - The English Language

    Semester Hours: 3
    A general introduction to the field of linguistics, presenting a variety of topics from the history of the language to contemporary theories of grammar. Special attention will be paid to the role of linguistics in the teaching and learning of English.

    Pre-requisites: one undergraduate course in research writing.

English as a Second Language (ESL)

  • ESL 321 - English Grammar

    Semester Hours: 3
    An in-depth analysis of English grammar in preparation for teaching English as a Second Language. Topics to be studied include morphology, syntax, and contrastive analysis, as well as grammar teaching methods and error correction approaches.

    Pre-requisites: GEN 112 - Composition II: Argumentation and Research .

  • ESL 322 - Second Language Acquisition and Applied Linguistics

    Semester Hours: 3
    A study of linguistics in preparation for teaching English as a Second Language. Topics include theories of first and second language acquisition, contrastive analysis, error analysis, discourse analysis, and ESL/bilingual education.

    Pre-requisites: GEN 112 - Composition II: Argumentation and Research .

  • ESL 323 - ESL Teaching Methods, Materials, and Contexts

    Semester Hours: 3
    The study of teaching English to non-native speakers in various contexts in the United States and abroad. This course will focus on methods and four-skill instruction, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation, as well as lesson planning, curriculum design, material presentation/explanation, and practice activities.

    Pre- or co-requisites: ESL 322 - Second Language Acquisition and Applied Linguistics .

  • ESL 324 - Teaching Methods in ESL

    Semester Hours: 3
    The first half of this course includes study and demonstration of general methods for teaching English as a Second Language. The second half includes study and method for teaching academic content to ESL students. Both sections focus on instructed language acquisition (early childhood through adolescence) and include assessment methods, curriculum development, and materials evaluation.

    Pre-requisites: Admission to the Education Program, ENG 380 - The English Language , ESL 321 - English Grammar , ESL 322 - Second Language Acquisition and Applied Linguistics , and foreign language study.

  • ESL 721 - English Grammar

    Semester Hours: 3
    An in-depth analysis of English grammar in preparation for teaching English as a Second Language. Topics to be studied include morphology, syntax, and contrastive analysis, as well as grammar teaching methods and error correction approaches.

    Pre-requisites: one undergraduate course in research writing.

  • ESL 722 - Second Language Acquisition and Applied Linguistics

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course is a study of linguistics to prepare students for teaching English as a Second Language. Topics include theories of first and second language acquisition, contrastive analysis, error analysis, discourse analysis, and ESL/bilingual education.

    Pre-requisites: one undergraduate course in research writing.

  • ESL 724 - Teaching Methods in ESL

    Semester Hours: 3
    The first half of this course includes study and demonstration of general methods for teaching English as a Second Language. The second half includes study and method for teaching academic content to ESL students. Both sections focus on instructed language acquisition (early childhood through adolescence) and include assessment methods, curriculum development, and materials evaluation.

    Pre-requisites: consent from the Director of Graduate Education Programs, ENG 780 - The English Language ESL 721 - English Grammar ESL 722 - Second Language Acquisition and Applied Linguistics , and foreign language study.


Experiential Learning (EXP)

  • EXP 100 - Professional Protocol (1 semester hour)

    Semester Hours: 1
    This course is designed to prepare students for an effective cooperative education/internship experience with an employer. Students will explore strategies to connect with employers of interest, review how they present themselves to others, and develop confidence in their communication skills to aid in their co-op/internship experience. The focus will be on appropriate workplace behavior, business etiquette, and professional communication strategies.

    Pre-requisites: none.

  • EXP 300 - Experiential Learning Seminar (1 semester hour)

    Semester Hours: 1
    This course is designed to help students process their cooperative education/internship experience and be reflective of the knowledge and skills they are developing during the extensive time with an employer/project. Students will develop an understanding of professional behavior, business etiquette, and protocols of the workplace. Students will also learn more about the leadership qualities needed to advance through a career. The course may be repeated, as the content will be adjusted for a second experience - requiring repeat students to assist with the facilitation of discussions.

    Pre-requisites:  EXP 100 - Professional Protocol (1 semester hour) .

    Co-requisites: XXX/EXP 390 - Cooperative Education Experience (1-12 semester hours)  or XXX/EXP 391 - Cooperative Education Experience (0 semester hours) .

Food Safety and Quality (FSQ)

  • FSQ 200 - Food Safety and Quality Practices

    Semester Hours: 3
    The current regulations and best practices in the food processing industry will be covered as well as applied during use of food processing and packaging equipment. This course will also have students visiting local food manufacturers.

    Pre-requisites: none.

  • FSQ 420 - Analysis and Design (WI)

    Semester Hours: 3
    Using the knowledge gained throughout the entire program students will work with faculty as well as interested parties in the program to identify areas for improvement within the area of food safety and quality. The analysis and proposed changes to the design and/or practices will result in the creation of a written document and an oral presentation of the proposal.

    Pre-requisites: EXP 100 - Professional Protocol (1 semester hour) , 1 semester hour of EXP 300 , successful completion of at least 9 semester hours of FSQ 400  OR 10 semester hours of FSQ 390 , BIO 330 - Microbiology (4 semester hours) and BUS 492 - Organizational Leadership .

Graphic Design (GDN)

  • GDN 101 - Graphic Design I–Digital Illustration

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course will introduce and apply graphic design fundamentals as well as the elements and principles of design to the process of digital illustration using Adobe Illustrator. Students will become familiar with the tools and techniques used to create high-quality vector-based digital illustrations. Emphasis will be placed on creative problem solving, and designing creative work that incorporates effective use of the elements and principles of design.

    Pre-requisites: none.

  • GDN 102 - Graphic Design II–Image Editing

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course will introduce and apply the fundamentals of image manipulation to the process of editing bitmap imagery using Adobe Photoshop. Students will become familiar with the tools and techniques used to create high resolution compositions, including image montage and portrait retouching. Emphasis will be placed on creative problem solving, and designing creative work that incorporates effective use of the elements and principles of design.

    Pre-requisites: none.

  • GDN 265 - History of Graphic Design

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course will explore the evolution of graphic design from the invention of writing through the digital age. Students will study major art movements from a graphic design perspective. Emphasis will be placed on learning, identifying, and analyzing the key characteristics within each movement, including themes, aesthetics, artists/designers and creative work.

    Pre-requisites: none.

General Studies (GEN)

  • GEN 101 - Reading Workshop

    Semester Hours: 3
    Students enrolled in this course learn to adjust their reading rate (words/minute) to their purpose. Regardless of how well they read before the course, they can expect their rate to increase dramatically-100 w.p.m. on the average-while comprehension also increases. Vocabulary improvement is heavily stressed; daily quizzes encourage active participation outside of class. Class time is devoted to individualized programs which assist students to learn to skim and scan, to recognize main ideas, to understand general principles, to read critically, to perceive organizational patterns, and to study more efficiently.

    Pre-requisites: none.

  • GEN 102 - Mathematics Workshop

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course prepares students to take college-level mathematics courses. Its content ranges from basic arithmetic through basic algebra.

    Pre-requisites: none.

  • GEN 103 - College Success Seminar

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course covers basic learning skills, especially study techniques, note-taking, time management, and test-taking strategies. Students are helped to develop perceptions, attitudes, and self-concepts that lead to academic success, and to increase the knowledge and personal skills necessary for making effective major and career choices. Students will participate in assessment, research, and activities designed to establish communication and inquiry skills that will aid in the exploration of course study and career alternatives.

    Pre-requisites: conditional admission to Lakeland University.

  • GEN 110 - Composition I: Academic Writing

    Semester Hours: 3
    Composition I introduces students to common practices of academic writing, including summary, synthesis, and analysis. Through regular work with the writing process, students will learn to compose well-supported, thesis-driven essays that avoid sentence-level errors.

    Pre-requisites: ACT English score at or above 17 or completion of GEN 100 - College Writing Workshop . Students who score at or above 25 on the English portion of the ACT are exempted from GEN 110 - Composition I: Academic Writing.

  • GEN 112 - Composition II: Argumentation and Research

    Semester Hours: 3
    Through a series of assignments, including a lengthy college-level research paper, Composition II builds upon the skills developed in GEN 110 - Composition I: Academic Writing . Students learn how to construct logical arguments based on reliable evidence. Students develop proficiency with basic practices of research, including evaluating, integrating, and documenting source materials, narrowing a topic to a research question, and communicating results to different audiences.

    Pre-requisites: ACT English score at or above 25 or SAT Verbal score 570 or above or completion of GEN 110 - Composition I: Academic Writing .

  • GEN 130K - Core I: Foundations of Critical Thinking

    Semester Hours: 3
    The first level of the Critical Thinking Core introduces students to the intellectual and practical skills and resources they need in order to pursue a higher education. To this end, the course provides students with a foundation of critical thinking skills that encourages both questioning and open-mindedness, improves the ability to monitor one’s own thinking, and develops the techniques to approach new ideas and problems critically and with a sense of curiosity.

    Pre-requisites: none.

  • GEN 134 - Humanities I

    Semester Hours: 3
    Introduces, integrates, and places in historical context the literature, drama, philosophy, religion, music, painting, sculpture, and architecture of Mediterranean and European cultures until approximately 1400 A.D.

    Pre-requisites: GEN 100 - College Writing Workshop  and GEN 101 - Reading Workshop .

  • GEN 183 - Natural Science

    Semester Hours: 3
    An introduction to the history, major discoveries, and the methods of the natural sciences. The intent of this course is to outline, not only what scientists know, but also how they learn. This course will provide the information to become scientifically literate and the ability to cope with the world of the future.

    Pre-requisites: none.

  • GEN 310K - Core II: Exploring Vocation

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course examines some of the diverse ways people have explored the question, “What should I do with my life?” in dialogue with their interests, values, goals, abilities, world view and social norms. Students are also invited to engage in their own vocational discernment utilizing critical reflection in conversation with the various resources and perspectives encountered in the course.

    Pre-requisites: GEN 130K - Core I: Foundations of Critical Thinking , sophomore standing or above, and GEN 112 - Composition II: Argumentation and Research .

  • GEN 311K - Core II: Ideas of Human Nature

    Semester Hours: 3
    No question is more human than this: “What does it mean to be human?” And few questions have received a wider variety of conflicting and competing answers. This course looks at the topic of human nature through the lenses of various traditions and academic disciplines—including philosophy, sociology, the arts, evolutionary biology, economics, computer science, and psychology. Students are required to test these theories against contemporary issues, as well as their own knowledge and experience. In the process, they learn to question and to support claims about the central facts of the human condition.

    Pre-requisites: GEN 130K - Core I: Foundations of Critical Thinking , sophomore standing or above, and GEN 112 - Composition II: Argumentation and Research .

  • GEN 312K - Core II: Gender Studies: Biology, Culture, and Performance

    Semester Hours: 3
    One of the central questions of the human condition is explored in this course: how does biological sex influence the performance and perception of gender and sexual identity? Students will analyze the biological and sociological debates about gender that have persisted throughout history and across cultures through a combination of class discussion, historical study, formal presentations, and written work. Texts are as diverse as the topic, covering formal gender theory, sociological research, biological and evolutionary arguments, personal narrative, art, literature, and film.

    Pre-requisites: GEN 130K - Core I: Foundations of Critical Thinking , sophomore standing or above, and GEN 112 - Composition II: Argumentation and Research .

  • GEN 325K - Core II: Love and Lust

    Semester Hours: 3
    We live in a world that celebrates love, but sometimes condemns the feelings and actions that accompany this powerful emotion. This course examines ideas of romantic and erotic love from multiple disciplinary perspectives to explain what exactly love is, how it affects us, and the roles it plays in cultures worldwide. Our class texts will be both academic and popular, from science and philosophy to advertisements and romantic comedies. Overall, the class will try to do the one thing that many say one can never do with love: understand it.

    Pre-requisites: GEN 130K - Core I: Foundations of Critical Thinking , sophomore standing or above, and GEN 112 - Composition II: Argumentation and Research .

  • GEN 345K - Core II: Visions of the Afterlife

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course will explore some of the diverse ways people have responded to the mystery of what becomes of human beings after they die. Focused attention will be given to various conceptions of life after death in different traditions and cultures. Drawing from a variety of fields such as anthropology, history, psychology, religion and science, the course will also examine explanations for the pervasiveness of the belief in life after death and different perspectives on the possibility of life after death. Students will be invited to consider how these various perspectives inform their own understanding of what, if anything, comes after their life here on earth.

    Pre-requisites: GEN 130K - Core I: Foundations of Critical Thinking , sophomore standing or above, and GEN 112 - Composition II: Argumentation and Research .

  • GEN 355K - Core II: Science, Non-Science, and Pseudoscience

    Semester Hours: 3
    “Science, Non-Science, and Pseudoscience” presents the questions and status of science itself as one of these central questions-a question at least as old as the modern era and the rise of empiricism, materialism, and the scientific method. Since that time, science has become an inescapable part of life on the planet. We use it to make our lives easier, but we also use science as a way to understand our world and ourselves. Science has become a primary player in a war of ideas about who we are, how we should live, and what our purpose in life is.

    Pre-requisites: GEN 130K - Core I: Foundations of Critical Thinking , sophomore standing or above, and GEN 112 - Composition II: Argumentation and Research .


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